Ansicht der KI-Ausstellung im Deutschen Technikmuseum mit Menschen

A new guest in our museum: MISSION AI

Discover the new interactive experience space on artificial intelligence in Ladestrasse: exhibition, offers for school classes and events until the end of the year

How does AI work?

Artificial intelligence has long been part of our everyday lives - time to get to know it better! There is a new experience space in the exhibition rooms (Hall 6) in Ladestrasse: the MISSION AI Innovation and Quality Center (IQZ), which brings visitors closer to artificial intelligence in an exciting and interactive way. How does AI work? Where can it be put to good use? What makes it trustworthy? You can find answers to these and many other questions in the special exhibition until the end of the year 2025.


Ansicht der KI-Ausstellung im Deutschen Technikmuseum
Foto: Stefan Wieland

The IQZ Berlin is implemented by the MISSION KI (MISSION AI) initiative, with which the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) is strengthening digital competitiveness. MISSION KI (MISSION AI) is a project of acatech (German Academy of Science and Engineering). The Deutsches Technikmuseum (German Museum of Technology) is a partner of the project.

Interested parties can now find out more about the use of AI in different areas of work and life here every day (except Mondays).

Experience first-hand how AI applications from Germany can recognize faces, support medical analyses or autonomously navigate robots in logistics! You can enter into dialog with an AI-based language model and compete with the AI in image recognition. With mixed reality glasses, you can look inside the body and experience how medical treatments are improved by AI. Another application example shows how AI improves posture in the workplace. Artificial intelligence is thus transformed from an abstract concept into a tangible experience.

In addition, the exhibition conveys the basics of trustworthy AI: technical functionality, ethical standards and practical quality assurance.

Guided tours, lectures and workshops

Individual guided tours and inspiring specialist lectures and workshops can be booked and attended at the IQZ Berlin from the beginning of February.

Entry to the IQZ Berlin is free of charge and takes place via the outdoor area of Ladestrasse. Museum visitors can walk through the exhibitions in Ladestraße directly to the IQZ.