What Is Light?
Enter our darkened area and explore how sunlight and artificial light can be broken up into their component colors. There is much more to see, including a hall of mirrors, a rainbow without water, and stations to mix colors and cast shadows.

SDTB / C. Kirchner
Light is a fascinating phenomenon. “Light rays” show how mirrors, lenses, and other optical devices like telescopes and microscopes work. But light also has qualities that make it similar to ocean waves.
Light itself is invisible to people, but it makes objects visible. Under certain conditions, light can even make substances luminescent or phosphorescent.

SDTB / C. Kirchner
Several of the experiments in this section allow you to test your vision. Obviously, these tests can’t replace a visit to the ophthalmologist or optician. But they can illustrate the methods used to identify visual impairments.
Im Licht von farbigen Scheinwerfern werden auch die eigenen Schatten bunt.
SDTB / C. Kirchner
Ist der Spiegel gekrümmt, sieht das eigene Spiegelbild verzerrt aus.
SDTB / C. Kirchner
Vergrößert wie eine Lupe: Die Fesnellinse.
visitBerlin, Foto: Dirk Mathesius