A record lies on green felt. A gramophone arm with a decorated sound box is positioned above it.


Visit the “Elektropolis Berlin” exhibition and discover transformative objects from the history of telecommunications. In the 19th and 20th centuries, electronic media, sound storage media, radio and television changed our lives because they finally fulfilled the desire for boundless communication, information and entertainment.

Telegraph, Radio, Television – The History of Electrical Innovation

“Telegraph Construction Company” – that sounds like some dusty old public utility, not the hippest startup of its day. But in 1847, that’s exactly what the Siemens & Halske Telegraph Construction Company was. It produced equipment for the new world of telecommunications and was a driver of technical innovation. Berlin quickly became the hub for this pioneering industrial sector, the electrical industry, in which Siemens, AEG, and Telefunken made a name for themselves. Berlin remained their center of operations until the Second World War.

A view of the Telecommunications exhibition. There are several glass display cases containing radios. In the middle there is a model of the “Vox Haus” building.
The “Elektropolis Berlin” exhibition focuses on the transition to the Communication Age.
SDTB / C. Kirchner

The exhibition “Elektropolis Berlin: A History of Telecommunications” explores the development of telecommunications and its influence on the electrical industry in Berlin. In the early 19th century, mounted messengers and stagecoaches were still the standard means for rapidly transmitting information. In 1833 the first optical telegraph line in Germany, from Berlin to Cologne to Koblenz, ushered in the age of telecommunications. The exhibition traces Berlin’s swift rise to becoming the German leader in six sectors: telegraphy, telephony, radio communication, radio broadcasting, audio engineering, and television. By 1950, 50 percent of the German radio broadcasting industry and 70 percent of the German electrical industry were headquartered in Berlin.

Berlin, the electrified metropolis

A timeline and a map of Berlin make it clear how quickly this development took place, and how dense the telecommunications network in Berlin is. “Elektropolis Berlin” also demonstrates how technical innovation transformed everyday life and society as a whole. The electrification of the city began in 1880, thus providing the impetus for innovation. Many objects displayed in the exhibition are related to Berlin, such as Werner Siemens’s first pointer telegraph, invented in 1847. In addition, the exhibition provides the social and technical context for central events in telecommunications history, like the first telephone call in Germany. Heinrich von Stephan made it in 1877 using a Bell telephone in Berlin’s Imperial Post Office (located on Leipziger Straße).


Join in with "Radio Gleisdreieck"!

The interior of the glass studio in the “Radio Gleisdreieck” exhibition area. Two people with headphones and microphones are producing a program in the studio.
Interactive media stations such as this listening station for radio signals invite you to join in.
SDTB/ Foto: Ériver Hijano

The interactive radio studio "Radio Gleisdreieck" invites you to join in and experiment with the equipment. Visitors can make their own radio programs and play the role of moderator live. They are also treated to fascinating information about the changes the medium of radio underwent with the passage of time. This is an entertaining way to discover the close relationship between technical innovation and the changes taking place in the world around us.
Communication and media technologies have made and continue to make the lives of people in "Elektropolis Berlin" more multi-dimensional and exciting.


Die Fernsehtruhe Kuba ist ein Möbelstück aus hellbraunem, zum Teil schwarz lackiertem Holz, circa 1,80 Meter breit. Der vordere Teil ähnelt einer länglichen Truhe. Die Rückwand, in die der Fernsehbildschirm eingelassen ist, sieht aus wie ein Segel, das nach oben rechts spitz zuläuft.
SDTB / C. Kirchner

“Komet” television console

The “Komet” television console was produced by Kuba-Imperial, a company in Wolfenbüttel. People who wanted to display their television sets this prominently needed a lot of space. But this piece of designer furniture also gave them a radio, a turntable, seven or more speakers, and an optional tape recorder. In the 1950s, television and radio consoles became status symbols, like cars. On average they cost upwards of six monthly paychecks.

Kuba-Imperial Rundfunk und Fernsehwerk GmbH, ca. 1961

Das Box-Telefon ist eine Holzkonstruktion, auf die ein länglicher Schalltrichter aus Metall montiert ist.
SDTB / C. Kirchner

Bell box telephone

Alexander Graham Bell used such a box telephone to provide demonstrations during his lecture tours of Europe and the United States. He was so successful that he was soon considered one of the great inventors of the age, alongside Werner Siemens and Thomas Edison. Thanks to a large horseshoe magnet, the device could make calls over a distance of up to 70 kilometers.


Eine schwarze Schelllackplatte mit rotem Label liegt auf dem Plattenteller des kleinen Kindergrammophons. Es ist weiß und verfügt über bunte Bemalungen: blaue, stilisierte Blattgirlanden, Vögel, drei kleine Engel und ein Cello.
SDTB / C. Kirchner

Bing Pigmyphone (child’s phonograph)

First crank, then listen – these words applied not only to standard phonographs but also to this simple but robust pigmyphone from the 1920s, which Bing Brothers produced in Nuremberg for children. The case and the horn were both made of tin. A device of this kind cost a good two marks at the time.

Nürnberger Metall- und Lackierwarenfabrik Gebr. Bing AG, ca. 1924

Die Sendeanlage besteht aus verschieden großen Schaltschränken und vielen technischen Apparaten. Die Anlage steht hinter einer durchsichtigen Absperrung mit dem Schriftzug RIAS in großen hellblauen Buchstaben.
SDTB / C. Kirchner

100 kW medium wave transmitter, operated by RIAS

In 1946, Radio in the American Sector (RIAS) started broadcasting two radio programs. This 100 kilowatt transmitter, operated by RIAS in Britz (Berlin) from 1948 to the mid-1980s, shows visitors how broadcasting worked.

Telefunken - Gesellschaft für Drahtlose Telegraphie mbH, 1948